
Jaime Alexis Stathis is a freelance journalist, content strategist, writing coach and all-around creative writer. She’s been a regular contributor at WIRED, PARADE, Reader’s Digest and The Healthy, where her favorite thing is producing work that helps us live better lives. You can read more of her freelance journalism here.

She also writes about humans, wildlife, and the place where the two intersect. Jaime cut her journalistic teeth writing about grizzly bears and she admires these apex predators both for their iconic beauty and for acting as barometers for how far humans have come and the distance we’ve yet to go.

Jaime enjoys writing about people who behave and people who don’t. She especially loves writing about her grandmother, Mimi, who set the bar high for love and friendship.

Jaime is originally from Connecticut, but has lived all over the United States and a few times abroad. She has a thing for salt and sand, but is equally smitten by tall pines and clear water. After twenty years calling Missoula, Montana “home base,” Jaime (finally) pulled up her stakes in September, 2021 to travel and write. She drove from Montana to Maine to Florida to Cape Cod to Texas and back to the Northeast. She settled in New York’s Hudson Valley and is currently exploring an area that feels both foreign and familiar.

The dog in the below photo is Homer, rescued off the street in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico as the pandemic was starting. He’s no longer with us in the physical, but was a wonderful teacher.

Jaime graduated with honors in Writing and Rhetoric from William Smith College and has taken graduate-level courses at the University of California, the University of Montana, and New York University. 

She is working on a memoir about her grandmother, Mimi, whom she took care of while Mimi navigated the middle stages of dementia. Jaime created a fake cooking show that helped Mimi stay rooted in the present, which was one place Mimi felt safe when her memory was slipping away. You can read more about that story here. Jaime is also writing a novel about a heroine who saves herself. Here’s a snippet.